Residential Conveyancing

Our cost transparency information has been produced to ensure our clients are informed of what our fees may be. The prices which are quoted here are indicative and are not binding.  Once clients are formally engaged through issuing our Terms of Business Letter, we will provide separate estimates together with various assumptions. All fee quotes and estimates are subject to review depending on how the transaction progresses.

We typically offer a fixed fee for straightforward sale and purchases of residential properties. Please contact one of our property solicitors for a specific estimate of the fees.

For example, our fees for acting in a straightforward sale of a residential property registered in the Land Register of Scotland without a mortgage, would be £1,500 plus VAT for a property costing up to £250,000. Our usual level of fixed fees are not applicable to some more complex transactions such as new build purchases or where there a transfer of part of a larger title requiring the creation of burdens and servitudes. The final fee will depend on the circumstances of the individual transaction following our assumptions stated below.

All fees are exclusive of posts and incidents fee at the rate of 5%, VAT chargeable thereon or applicable outlays.


Hourly rates basis

It may be appropriate to carry our work on an hourly rate basis throughout or in addition to your transaction. If this is applicable, our time will be charged adopting the following hourly rates plus VAT:

Director £290

Associate Director £270

Associate £235

Solicitor £220

Trainee Solicitor £180

Paralegal £170

Administrative assistant £130



Our fee estimates provided are subject to the below assumptions.

  • The property in question is currently registered in the Land Register of Scotland and the sale/purchase relates to the whole of the registered title.
  • there are no unusual title conditions (conditions in the title deeds that affect the use of a property) or problems with the marketability of the title to the property;
  • no rights need to be obtained from third parties (for example, for access to the property or for services, such as water or drainage);
  • there are no undue delays in connection with the transaction and contract negotiations do not become lengthy; and
  • in the event the transaction does not proceed, the cost of the work to date will be billed in full, unless otherwise agreed with you in writing.



Outlays are also payable in addition to legal fees. These are costs payable to third parties such as search companies and Registers of Scotland. The cost depends on different factors such as the value of the property and the nature of the transaction.

The following link shows the registration dues payable to Registers of Scotland,

Depending on the value of the property and whether you own any other property Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (LBTT) may also be payable. The LBTT calculator can be used to establish the LBTT liability, from the following link